
Niilo Mäki Institute

The Niilo Mäki Institute (NMI; has decades of experience in various research and development projects with the help of various funders (e.g. STEA, OPH, Research Council of Finland, EU projects). NMI is one of Finland’s leading producers of educational materials and educational technology designed for special needs education (e.g., learning and assessment materials, further education). NMI is the co-developer of a globally known mobile game for learning to read ( NMI is also preparing to establish its own company for exporting e.g. our digital literacy assessment service Digilukiseula (, which is used by hundreds of educational institutions throughout the Finland.

Our objectives are:

  1. As a result of the project, new business and growth will be created in the education technology and materials sector in Central Finland.
  2. Joint marketing materials will be created for international customers, local and national organisations promoting business (e.g. Yritystehdas, EduFutura, City of Jyväskylä Business Services), and national organisations (Team Finland, EducationFinland).
  3. The parties involved in the project prepare and submit joint project/funding applications to support their RDI activities.
  4. Regular programmatic joint meetings with producers of training technology and materials in Central Finland, where the business plans of existing and planned companies are developed and joint offerings are created.
  5. Companies from Central Finland will attend the education fair at a joint stand.

As an end-result, the project will develop a co-operation model for local business accelerator actors (e.g. City of Jyväskylä’s Economic Development Services, Yritystehdas and EduFutura) to facilitate EdTech and related business fields in the region and beyond. The model may consist innovating and evaluating new products and service ideas with international markets in mind, promote their business modelling and utilize local education export expertise.

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